The Name Game. Take My Poll!

Hey friends! Since I’m on a mission trip and not organized enough to have gotten my post written and scheduled ahead of time, the #TrueFictionFriday feature will be delayed until next week! I hope you’ll take my poll instead, and let me know which last name you like best for a new book I’m working on (yes, this was easier to put together than a short fiction piece). What book? Well, I’ve been working on a top-secret Narnia spinoff, since you asked 😉 I put this poll on Instagram and it was very close (but I won’t influence you by saying which one had the most votes!).

If you haven’t caught up with my True Fiction Friday feature–in which I write a short story based on the perspective of one character from the Bible–you can click the following links to read about the man blind from birth, the woman with the issue of blood, Lot’s wife, Hosea, and the miracle of the oil. I’m always up for suggestions for future posts, so please feel free to hit me up in the comments.

On to our poll! I’ve left a place for suggestions if you have a stroke of brilliance that you wish to suggest 😀 I can’t, at this time, share much about the story, but I’m looking for a memorable sibling moniker. Thanks for your help!

6 comments on “The Name Game. Take My Poll!Add yours →

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  1. A Narnia spinoff? How interesting! How are you dealing with the copyright? Making it a spinoff without really linking it?

    1. Yes, ma’am. That’s a good way to put it. I’ve done a bit of investigating in to how something like this would work, and it seems that is the only way I can legitimately do it. The CS Lewis estate does not grant any sort of permission, in any way shape or form, from what I understand!

      1. Did you hear about the guy who wrote a prequel and is actively seeking permission from the estate to get it published? It may not happen, of course, but apparently it becomes public domain in 2034 so that’s not that far off really. I read that article and immediately remembered this post which is what made me come ask.

        I’ve always thought all those other pools in the world between from The Magician’s Nephew were begging to be explored.

        1. No I haven’t heard that! I will have to Google it. I did talk to an editor at Tyndale at the summer conference I attended, and she told me about an author who is trying to get permission from the estate for something similar and it was a nonnegotiable no go! She told me the only way I could get away with it was to veil the references. Fortunately, my idea does not involve actual characters. But if you’ve read the stories you would recognize things. I am working on version 3.0 right now and praying about how to handle certain things!

          And yes—those pools—they play in 😉

          1. Hey Kat! I had wanted to read this when I had time, and then forgot about it 🙁 (Out of sight, out of mind, you know?!) But! I remembered, finally! Ugh! I really hope the Lewis Estate will grant permission! What a brilliant idea for him to fill that gap in the timeline. Love it and want to read it! My story is completely different and doesn’t actually take place in Narnia…but, yes, those little pools hold a lot of possibilities don’t they? 😀