Blog, Interrupted

Did anyone else have a May that resembled December in its scope of harried schedules and plans? That’s pretty much how May goes down every year at my house. But add to the end-of-the-school-year-circus a serious injury and a vacation, and things officially reached crazy-busy status!

First, an update on my sweet granddaughter with the eye injury…she was placed under anesthesia last week so the doctor could thoroughly look at her eye. We were thrilled and thankful to the Lord to learn there is NO retinal damage! That was our biggest concern. Everything looks good in that regard.

It was a very happy Mother’s Day!

The doctor measured her eye for a new lens and reported that her six stitches were healing so well that he would be able to remove them when he does the lens replacement surgery next month! This is more good news since we were originally told that the eye takes about 6 months to heal and that she would need another surgery just to remove the stitches.

All in all, this is best case scenario in a rather horrific situation. The Lord has provided my daughter and her family with much comfort, strength, and faith (as well as proper insurance!) that has sustained them during this time. We all celebrated a lovely Mother’s Day together–four generations in all!

Four generations!

Aaaand, we just returned home from a funtastical week in my hometown(s) of Portland/Vancouver. Not only did we get to see our favorite middle daughter who now lives in Washington, but we got to celebrate our dear friend’s 50th birthday! The 75 degree weather and the abundance of good food (truly a foodies’ paradise up there) made for an all around perfect visit. Well, if you don’t count severe allergies thanks to all the amazing flowers in bloom…

Beautiful day at the waterfront along the Willamette in PDX
My FAVORITE doughnuts can be found at Pips!
All of my PDX BFFS!

So, I’m just stopping in to say hello, share my excuses and pictures, and to report that June will bring the revelation of the short story contest winner and runners up! I’ve gotten the score sheets back from the judges and am excited to sift through the comments and the stories 😀

How has your May been? Are you finished with school? Any vacations planned this summer? Can I go with you…it’ll be over 100 degrees here in Texas next week and I’m NOT READY! Ahhhhhhh!