A Writer’s Life isn’t all Writing

The school year is winding down which means all of the end-of-the-year tests/projects/performances are cranking up and making parents and teachers a little crazy. So many things to do and only 24 hours each day in which to do it.

Okay–yes–it’s just as crazy if you’re a student trying to pull it all together too! My bad!

After 15 years of teaching ballet at a fine art school for homeschoolers (and the last two years with a creative writing class as well), this is my FINAL year of the end-of-the-year chaos! I’m a little sad and a little giddy.

Me with several of my ballerinas last year!

There are so many great memories at Travis Academy of Fine Arts, including my four kiddos enjoying the great programs available as they went through elementary, middle, and high school. I have been incredibly blessed to be a part of this ministry that has grown from about 50 students (when we started) to close to 1000!

Although it’s bittersweet to say goodbye, I’m looking forward to ending on a high note. Our ballet program is doing dances reflecting all seven of The Chronicles of Narnia books for our recital! This is such a thrill for me, as you can imagine, since those books set me on my writer’s journey.

But life has changed a lot over the years. My kids are grown. I have two granddaughters, and one of my daughters lives out of state. The opportunity to see her, or help with my grandkids, or just take a jaunt with my wonderful husband whenever the mood strikes, means I am looking forward to the freedom of no longer teaching!

And, of course, I’m looking forward to dedicating more time to my WRITING! You may recall my mentioning the loss of my current work-in-progress when my computer died. Well, I’ve rewritten precious little of that story since there are so many OTHER things to do this time of year!

In fact, I was hoping to post a giveaway and share some special news here this week, but I haven’t been home long enough to take photos of my prizes! So, hopefully next week I will have some fun news to share 😀 Stay tuned!

Until then…I have a white witch costume to work on (I get to be the white witch, from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, in one of the dances for another teacher’s class!), a Tumnus costume to pull together for my own class, a giant shoe and hat to paint as part of The Silver Chair number for another class, and, of course, the other things that come with being human like laundry, cooking, and exercise!

What are YOU busy doing this time of year? Are you a writer that is disciplined enough to write every day NO MATTER WHAT? (Obviously I’m not!) Share your thoughts and tips with me in the comments! Happy spring!!!