Local Book Signing for Metroplex Peeps!

I’m going to attempt this blog post from my phone. *yay technology* Just a short little note to invite local friends from the great state of Texas to swing by my upcoming book signing. 

Let’s call it an excuse to hang out, really, because that’s the fun part. The book is merely the impetus. Oh, and coffee. That’s the OTHER fun part 🙂 

Details? February 18th from 5:30-7:30-ish. Avoca Coffee (ah-maz-ing) brew, people. Seriously. They’re located @ 1311 W Magnolia Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76104  I’ll have books for $10, along with a couple of drawings (gnome shirt and framed fantasy-looking landscape–nicer than that sounds in font, I promise). You can get your name in the “hat” a second time if you purchase coffee. Gotta support your local roasters, right? Besides, did I mention how magnificent their coffee is? 


Hope to see all of my wonderful friends next Thursday! (((Cyber hugs)))