Where Does Inspiration Come From?

“If it’s like a continual brainstorm on the inside, then the law of averages says that something, one of these days, will make a splash!”

If I had a nickel for every creative concept that’s flitted through my brain, I’d be as busy as a slot machine in a casino. If, however, those notions needed to generate more money . . . well, I’d probably get unplugged and moved to a dumpster. I’m never short of ideas but I certainly am on time, money, and follow through. That’s okay. If it’s like a continual brainstorm on the inside, then the law of averages says that something, one of these days, will make a splash!  [Click to Tweet].

We all have our go-to quotes that inspire our muse or motivate us towards a goal. We write them on our mirrors and Ml'e3notebooks, we frame them on our nightstand, we pin them on Pintrest (and find a few more while we’re there). I could wear out C.S. Lewis and Madeleine L’Engle quotes on Pintrest, no doubt.

Of course, there’s a plethora of scriptures that we highlight and memorize and add to our all-star cast of favorites too. Today I thought I would share mine with you! It’s probably not what you think. It’s likely one you’ve never considered before because if you don’t read the KJV—which I rarely do—then you’ve never read this passage in this particular way. And often when it is quoted, the second half (my favorite part!) is left off.  When I was young, before the NIV came into print (yes, I’m that old school), I can remember reading this verse and feeling that special “WOW” tingly-thing happen in my veins. I felt like God had tucked this verse inside His word just for me. I couldn’t have been more than 10 years old. That moment, and this verse, has always stuck with me. It was a personal affirmation from my Creator that He did, indeed, make me a creative, idea-driven, person.

When I wonder if my dreams are a waste of time, or whether it’s God’s inspiration, or my own, that I’m pursuing (because, after all, most people don’t write stories about gnomes and leprechauns), this verse comes back to comfort and affirm the gifts that God has placed within me. Not to say that every inspirational thought is always God given, but the road I’m on in regards to The Tethered World does have His fingerprints all over it.

I hope you will find this to be a scripture worthy of adding to your list of favorites. Please leave me your favorite scripture or quotes in the comments!

 Yes, I love the idea of 'witty inventions'! From story lines to literal gadgets, I've got a list of things bubbling around in my brain at all times!
Yes, I love the idea of ‘witty inventions’! From story lines to literal gadgets, I’ve got a list of things bubbling around in my brain at all times!

If you enjoyed this post, please check out the first chapter of my upcoming novel, The Tethered World. You can get it for free when you sign up for my (very occasional) newsletter! 

3 comments on “Where Does Inspiration Come From?Add yours →

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  1. I enjoyed this post! I too am a constant bubbling pot of ideas, most of which will never actually come to anything in this life. I believe we’ll keep glorifying God through our gifts in heaven, so I have hope I’ll have all eternity to keep churning with ideas and turning out stories – no pressure to make money there, either, and all the time we need! 🙂

    My favorite verse pertaining to writing has always been Psalm 90:17: “Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!”

    It’s comforting to remember that God cares about our work and will bless it if we ask Him and seek Him and do it all to His glory. 🙂