What’s Your Clean Read Comfort Level? Take My Poll!

After reading an excellent article on whether Christian’s should read Harry Potter, I thought about the varied reading tastes of my bibliophile friends.  I have one that won’t touch a book with cussing while another reads hardcore war stories with tons of F-bombs…but they’re true stories with realistic, military dialogue so they accept that such lingo comes with the territory. And let me say that these two friends who stand on opposite ends of the spectrum would get along swimmingly. They share the same religious and political beliefs and would agree on most things…they just wouldn’t care to indulge in the other’s taste in literature.

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Language is only one portion of the three-part equation, of course. (Well, FOUR parts when you add the spiritual and/or magical element, but not all books include this fourth category). Sexuality and violence are other elements to consider when you spend time in a book. Your comfort level in one category may be more relaxed than another. Personally, I can handle some language or violence but don’t care for anything sexual beyond a kiss and innuendo.

How about you? I believe most of my blogging connections wouldn’t argue on behalf of Fifty Shades of Gray, but there are probably a lot of differing opinions as to what constitutes a “clean read”–or whether that is important to you at all. I’m curious to hear where you draw the line. No judging here, either. Just curiosity! 😉

I hope you’ll take my poll(s) and leave me specific feedback in the comments!